

Page history last edited by andré leão 12 years, 1 month ago


por vários poplisters


Wattstax (1973)

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Trailer http://youtu.be/ZIP4E3cKY9o

Trilha Sonora: Parte I Parte II  Parte III


Standing on the Shadows of Motown (2002)


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Gimme Some Truth(2000)

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Festival Express(2003)

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I Am Trying To Break Your Heart (2002, Wilco)

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The Fearless Freaks (2005, Flaming Lips)



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Drive Well, Sleep Carefully: On the Road with Death Cab for Cutie (2005)

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The Shield Around the K (2000, Sobre a K Records)

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We Jam Econo - Minutemen (2005)



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The U.S. vs John Lennon (2006)



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The Corporation (2003)

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In the Name of God - Scenes from Extreme


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The End of Suburbia(2004)

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When We Were Kings (1996, um dos melhores que eu ja vi na vida)



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The Day After Trinity (1981, sobre Oppenheimer e a construçao da bomba atomica)

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My Best Friend (1999, Herzog X Kinski)


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Jung on Film (2000, Documentário sobre o próprio)

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Vinyl (2000, sobre colecionadores de discos)


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The Human Behavior Experiments (2006)



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Jesus Camp (2006, o nome já diz tudo, mas é muito bizarro ver como crianças são manipuladas pela igreja. Pequenos pastores.)



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The Bridge (2006, Esse é bad trip total. É sobre a ponte Golden Gate Bridge, talvez o lugar com mais índice de suicidios dos EUA.)

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The Worlds Biggest Penis (2006, o nome já diz tudo)

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Werner Herzog Eats His Shoe (1980, curta-documentário sobre o diretor cozinhando e comendo uma meia.)


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20 Years Of Sonic Youth (2002)

Description: A documentary about the influential NYC based pop punk noise band Sonic Youth. Few bands have managed to maintain such a high level of creativity and ingenuity for so long.

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On the Edge of 'Blade Runner' (2000, documentário sobre o filme e bastidores)


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Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride: Hunter S. Thompson on Film (2006, recomendadíssimo!)



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The Punk Years (2002, melhor documentário sobre punk que eu já vi. Acho que tem alguns episódios no youtube)


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Theremin: an Electronic Odyssey (1994, Sobre a origem do instrumento)

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Postcards from the Future: The Chuck Palahniuk Documentary(2003)

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"F for fake", 1974 do Orson Welles

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D.I.Y. or Die: How to Survive as an Independent Artist (2002, culto ao cenário alternativo americano. Entrevistas com J. Mascis, Ian MacKaye, Ron Asheton, entre




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Chambre 666 (1982, Clássico! Dirigido por Win Wenders, a proposta é a seguinte: durante o festival de Cannes de 82, Wenders perguntou a vários

diretores(Antonioni, Fassbinder, Godard, Herzog, etC) "Qual o futuro do cinema?" e eles deveriam responder, sozinhos, no quarto de hotel para a camera.)

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Teens Hooked on Porn (Filmado para a BBC3, fala sobre a fixação extrema que certos adolescentes tem pela pornografia na internet.)

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Shadowplayers: Factory Records & Manchester Post-Punk 1978-81 (vale pelas entrevistas.)

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Magic and Bird (2010)
Basketball legends Larry Bird and Earvin "Magic" Johnson discuss their unmatched rivalry and unlikely friendship.
Trailer Streaming | Link pra Baixar


My Voyage to Italy (1999, melhor documentário do Scorsese na minha opinião.)

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Good Copy, Bad Copy (sobre os direitos autorais nos dias de hoje, tem uma parte dedicada só ao Brasil. O Girl Talk aparece falando sobre.)

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The World According To John Coltrane (De chorar! Só tem uma hora de duração, mas vale muito a pena.)



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How To Go Out of Your Mind: The LSD Crisis (1966, sobre o uso da droga, filmado no meio da década de 60.)

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Do Communists Have Better Sex (O tema é meio estúpido, eles afirmam que os comunistas fazem sexo duas vezes mais do que os capitalistas, mas é

engraçado ver como isso é levado a sério.)

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The Secret Life of Brian (2007, Acho que foi o melhor documentário que vi nesse ano. 50min sobre o A Vida de Brian.)


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The Illuminati (Pra quem curte conspirações e sociedades secretas.)



The Day After Trinity (1981)
Scientists and witnesses involved in the creation and testing of the first ever atomic bomb reflect on the Manhattan project and its fascinating leader, J. Robert Oppenheimer, who upon completion of his wonderful and horrible invention became a powerful spokesperson against the nuclear arms race.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


Into Great Silence (2005)
An examination of life inside the Grande Chartreuse, the head monastery of the reclusive Carthusian Order in France.
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Little Dieter Needs to Fly (1998)
German-American Dieter Dengler discusses his service as an American naval pilot in the Vietnam War. Dengler also revisits the sites of his capture and eventual escape from the hands of the Vietcong, recreating many events for the camera.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


Gonzo: The Life and Work of Hunter S Thompson (2008)
A portrait of the late gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson. 
Trailer | Streaming | 
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Afghan Star (2009)
A look at how contestants on the a musical contest program "Pop Idol" in Afghanistan risk their lives to appear on the show.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


New York 77 - The Coolest Year In Hell (2007)
 "NY77: The Coolest Year In Hell" is a two-hour documentary that tells the story of one astonishing year in New York City history. Premiering Saturday, August 11 at 9PM*, the documentary is told chronologically and weaves together the stories of the emergence of hip hop, punk and disco, graffiti art, and sexual liberation. In the background are the major political events and social issues of the day -- crime, urban decay, financial woes, the infamous blackout, drugs, Son of Sam, the bitter mayoral election and the overall poverty that gripped the city.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


Cocaine Cowboys (2006)
Cocaine Cowboys" is the true story of how Miami became the drug, murder and cash capital of the United States, told by the people who made it all happen.  
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten (2007)
In "The Future Is Unwritten", from British film director Julien Temple, Joe Strummer is revealed not just as a legend or musician, but as a true communicator of our times. 
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


Rebel Truce, The History of The Clash (2007)
The history of one of the most influential British punk rock bands of all time, The Clash. 
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


Children Underground (2001)
Makers of documentary went to live with parentless children in Bukharest underground. Movie shows number of lost children struggling through everyday life full of violence, illnes, petty crime and hopefuly at some point of the day inhaling glue or paint.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


Gay Sex In The 70s (2005)
A chronicle of gay culture in New York during the post-Stonewall, pre-AIDs era.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar | Legenda


Hated (1994)
Documentary about notorious punk rock performer GG Allin.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


American Hardcore (2006)
The History of American Punk Rock 1980-1986.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


Not Quite Hollywood (2008)
The story of "Ozploitation" movies - a time when Australian cinema showed an explosion of sex, violence, horror and action.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


Made In America (2008)
With a first-person look at the notorious Crips and Bloods, this film examines the conditions that have lead to decades of devastating gang violence among young African Americans growing up in South Los Angeles.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


Philip K. Dick - A Day in the Afterlife (1994, Fodão! Para geeks.)


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Comic Book Confidential (1988, História dos quadrinhos alternativos americanos.)



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No Distance Left To Run (2010)

A film about Blur.


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Motörhead: Live Fast, Die Old (2003)

Documentary following the veteran rock band as they embark on a UK tour. Singer Lemmy Kilmister shows off his collection of knives and Nazi memorabilia, and reveals how, at the age of 57, he continues to drink a bottle of whisky a day. The group set out to play 11 towns in 13 days, living out of a tour bus and still maintaining the same life of rock'n'roll excess after 30 years. Part of The Other Side

This screened on UK Channel 4 on Friday 25 August 2005 at around 2am.


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Marc Bolan:The Final Word (2007)

BBC documentary that provides a fairly detailed overview of Bolan’s life. It’s narrated by Suzi Quatro and features contributions from his companion Gloria Jones, brother Harry Feld, producer Tony Visconti, Queen’s Roger Taylor, Steve Harley, Zandra Rhodes and more.



Cocksucker Blues (1972)

Is an unreleased documentary film directed by the noted still photographer Robert Frank chronicling The Rolling Stones' North American tour in 1972 in support of their album Exile on Main St..


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Brega S/A (2009)

Gravado entre os anos de 2006 e 2009, o documentário Brega S/A fala sobre a cena tecnobrega de Belém do Pará. Feito por artistas pobres, gravado em estúdios de fundo de quintal e com relações profundas com a pirataria e a informalidade, o tecnobrega é a trilha sonora da periferia da cidade, uma espécie de adaptação digital da música romântica dos anos 70 e 80.

No filme, vemos qual a relação entre o tecnobrega e a popularização da tecnologia a partir do final da década de 90, bem como a maneira como esse estilo musical se associou à pirataria para criar uma rede de distribuição alternativa ao modelo proposto pelas grandes gravadoras.

Entre os principais personagens estão o MC de tecnobrega Marcos Maderito, o “Garoto Alucinado”; DJ Maluquinho, uma espécie de Iggy Pop brega da periferia de Belém; e os DJs Dinho, Ellysson e Juninho, ídolos das aparelhagens, enormes sistemas de som que realizam festas itinerantes pelos bairros mais pobres da cidade.


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Chama Verequete

Documentário poético sobre Mestre Verequete, personagem fundamental da história do ritmo raiz do Pará, o Carimbó, que legitimou e divulgou pelos quatro cantos do Brasil.

Streaming Parte I  Parte II


1991: The Year Punk Broke (1992)

David Markey's documentary of life on the road with Sonic Youth and Nirvana during their tour of Europe in late 1991. Also featuring live performances by Dinosaur Jr, Babes In Toyland, The Ramones and Gumball.


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Metal: A Headbanger's Journey (2005)

Metal: A Headbanger's Journey is a 2005 documentary directed by Sam Dunn, a 31 year old anthropologist who has been a heavy metal fan since the age of twelve. He sets out across the world to uncover the various opinions of heavy metal music, including its origins, the controversy surrounding the genre, and the reason why it is loved by so many people, as well as exploring the culture of heavy metal. The film made its debut at the 2005 Toronto International Film Festival, and was released as a two-disc special edition DVD in the US on September 19, 2006.	


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101 (1989)

101 is a live album and documentary by Depeche Mode released in 1989 chronicling the final leg of the band's Music for the Masses Tour and the final show at the Pasadena Rose Bowl.


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Novos Baianos F.C. (1973)



It Might Get Loud  (2008)

A documentary on the electric guitar from the point of view of three significant rock musicians: the Edge, Jimmy Page and Jack White.


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Grindcore - 85 Minutes of Brutal Heavy Metal (2003)

"While the term Grindcore has often been used somewhat interchangeably with death metal, the two started out as very different, albeit similarly extreme, forms of music, despite becoming more alike over the years. When it first appeared in the mid-'80s, grindcore in its purest form consisted of short, apocalyptic blasts of noise played on standard heavy metal instrumentation (distorted guitar, bass, drums). Although grindcore wasn't just randomly improvised, it certainly didn't follow conventional structure, either; while riffs could sometimes be picked out, pure grindcore never featured verses, choruses, or even melodies. Grindcore vocals sounded torturous, ranging from high-pitched shrieks to low, throat-shredding growls and barks; although the lyrics were usually quite verbose, they were very rarely intelligible. Grindcore's jaw-dropping aggression was so over the top that pointing to its roots in thrash metal and hardcore punk hardly gives an idea of what it actually sounds like. Indisputably, the band that invented grindcore was Napalm Death, whose 1987 debut album Scum is also perhaps the most representative example of the style. In Napalm Death's hands, grindcore was actually rather arty, a sonic metaphor for the bleakness, violence, and decay of modern society; the group's lyrics were additionally packed with angry social commentary. More extreme in the lyrical department was Carcass, the only other band to really epitomize the original grindcore sound; their gruesome, gory rants were literally taken from anatomical textbooks for maximum shock (and gonzo comedy) factor. However, grindcore's original form was inherently limiting, and its intensity could easily turn into self-parody; on Napalm Death's second album, they had already begun to experiment with industrial textures, a fusion that would prove popular not only with bands who loved the jackhammer rhythms a drum machine could provide, but also with slower, moodier bands like Godflesh (itself a Napalm Death offshoot). Grindcore's blistering intensity was assimilated not only into underground heavy metal, but also into avant-garde and experimental music circles; Japanese noise bands like the Boredoms and Merzbow found it inspiring, and jazz musician John Zorn formed the grindcore-inspired group Painkiller (which featured former Napalm Death drummer Mick Harris). Although pure grindcore was a distinctly British phenomenon, the early albums by the Florida band Death -- which ratcheted up the aggression and morbidity of prime Slayer -- had a raw, crude, assaultive quality that made them extremely similar. Apart from adopting the low, demonic growl of the grindcore vocal style almost wholesale, American death metal bands with relatively limited technical ability who played at fast tempos often resembled grindcore outfits with song structures. In fact, by the '90s, Napalm Death's sound was virtually impossible to separate from either death metal or grindcore, and Carcass had become a full-fledged, even melodic, death metal band. One of the very few bands to stick with grindcore's original form was A.C. (aka Anal Cunt), which primarily employed it to a snottily humorous effect."



Once Upon a Time in Norway (2007)

Interviews with central members of early Norwegian black metal bands about Mayhem, the early black metal scene and the crimes they committed.


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The Story Of Ozzy Osbourne



Frank Zappa - BBC Documentary (1993)



Predictions of Fire (1996)

Predictions of Fire or Prerokbe Ognja (1996) is a documentary film by American filmmaker Michael Benson about the Neue Slowenische Kunst.


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Krautrock - The Rebirth Of Germany (2009)

How a radical generation of 1960s and 70s musicians created a new German musical identity.


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BBC Synth Britannia (2009)

How a group of post-punk musicians took the synthesiser to the centre of the pop stage.


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Kraftwerk - TV Documentary (2001)

Kraftwerk documentary, made by Malik Bendjelloul for Swedish TVs Pop i fokus in 2001.
The Kraftwerk documentary features interviews with Karl Bartos, Wolfgang Flür, Björk, Moby, Karlheinz Stockhausen and Peter Saville.



End of The Century (2003)

The story of the punk rock band The Ramones.


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loudQUIETloud: A Film About the Pixies (2006)

The Pixies' 2004 reunion was the biggest thing that's happened in alternative rock since Nirvana, and filmmakers Steven Cantor and Matthew Galkin were there with their cameras, trailing the genre's progenitors across North America and Europe as they reclaimed their legacy. Besides beautifully shot concert footage featuring all or part of 15 songs, we get a view inside the Pixies' heads. All four were managing complex personal issues when they reunited. We see frontman Frank Black (a.k.a. Black Francis) dealing with a bump in his solo career, bassist Kim Deal juggling sobriety and creating new Breeders songs, guitarist Joey Santiago grappling with parenthood and financial issues, and drummer David Lovering rescued from his post-Pixes life as a struggling magician. They make no secret that they're doing it for the money, but learn along this tour of the world's stages and their psyches that there's a magic in their knotty, raw music that has the power to sustain their audiences and--for a time, at least--themselves. There's bonus footage of the movie's leftovers, but little of it's interesting except for the band's visit to modern psychedelicists Sigur Ros's Iceland studio. Über-producer/guitarist Daniel Lanois provides the film's beautiful, glacially paced incidental music.


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The Smiths - Under Review (2006)

Since exploding onto the scene The Strokes have given rock music the strangling it so badly needed. Not only have they won the hearts and minds of the music press and alternative crowd but they have also crossed over into the mainstream without sacrificing any of their credibility. In just three years, The Strokes have gone from low key New York club band to internationally famous major league players. The Strokes New York Stories now tells the complete and unauthorized story behind the band for the first time.



Stop Making Sense (1984)

An innovative concert movie for the rock group The Talking Heads.


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Joe Strummer: The Future Is Unwritten (2007)

As the front man of the Clash from 1977 onwards, Joe Strummer changed people's lives forever. Four years after his death, his influence reaches out around the world, more strongly now than ever before. In "The Future Is Unwritten", from British film director Julien Temple, Joe Strummer is revealed not just as a legend or musician, but as a true communicator of our times. Drawing on both a shared punk history and the close personal friendship which developed over the last years of Joe's life, Julien Temple's film is a celebration of Joe Strummer - before, during and after the Clash.


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The Clash: Westway to the World (2000)

This documentary combines recent interviews and old footage to provide a comprehensive view of The Clash, one of the world's most influential rock bands. Footage from old club shows and stadium concerts is intercut with interviews with band members Mick Jones, Paul Simonon, Topper Headon, and Joe Strummer. The Clash began as rebellious punks eager to combine their influences: Simonon leaned towards reggae, and Jones leaned toward harder-edged British rock, while Strummer favored American R&B. Despite various fights and conflicts, The Clash emerged as "the only band that mattered," a punk rock band which ventured beyond punk to create a unique and unforgettable sound. WESTWAY TO THE WORLD documents their beginnings, their rise to stardom, and their collapse.


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Meeting People Is Easy (1998)

An entertaining "rockumentary" about Radiohead that shows some of the tedium of being a rock star, as well as some of the ´fun stuff.


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Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man  (2005)

Legendary poet, singer/songwriter and alleged ladies man Leonard Cohen is interviewed in his L.A. home about his extraordinary life and times, interspersed with old footage from his private photo collection and lavish praise plus elaborately performed Cohen cover songs from a motley crew of colleague musicians, amongst whom Kate & Anna McGarrigle, Rufus & Martha Wainwright, Nick Cave, Jarvis Cocker and U2's Bono and The Edge. By way of dessert the latter two and their band mates even get to back up the man for a special performance of his own.  
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Histoire(s) du cinéma (1988, Visão de Godard sobre o cinema. Feito para a TV entre 88 e 99)

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Documentários BBC (zilhões de torrents pra quem curte os Docs da BBC)


Não disponíveis ainda, mas vale aguardar :)


FIX: The Ministry Movie (2011) 

FIX: The Ministry Movie shoves your ass way, way backstage with the scariest band EVER.


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The Ambassador (2011) 
What happens when a very white European buys a title which turns him into an African diplomat - right in the middle of one of Africa's most failed nation states? The Ambassador is a genre-breaking, tragic comedy about the bizarre, hidden world of African diplomacy, where gin-tonics flow on a daily basis and diamond hustlers and corrupt politicians run free.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar


Putin's Kiss (2012)
19-year old Marsha is a spokesperson in the government friendly and strongly nationalistic Russian youth organization, Nashi.
Trailer | Streaming | Link pra Baixar

Comments (2)

Anonymous said

at 7:00 pm on Oct 8, 2007

Lilian, que FODA essa página!

(account deleted) said

at 8:33 pm on Mar 9, 2009

quero saber esses torrents tem legendas em portugues se nao de que adianta?
torrents tenho milhares aqui mas legendas que e dificil

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